Committee Assignments
as of February 3, 2025
Please note, as specified by the Bylaws of the Board of Regents, the board chair sits on all committees with full voting privileges. Board Chair Ralph Seekins has made the following appointments:
Academic and Student Affairs Committee:
Committee Charter
Karen Perdue, Chair
Joey Crum, Vice Chair
Steve Colligan
Scott Jepsen
Christine Resler
Albiona Selimi
Audit and Finance Committee:
Committee Charter
Scott Jepsen, Chair
Dale Anderson, Vice Chair
Dennis L. Michel
Karen Perdue
Christine Resler
Facilities & Land Management Committee:
Committee Charter
Dennis Michel, Chair
Joey Crum, Vice Chair
Dale Anderson
Seth Church
Scott Jepsen
Governance Committee:
Committee Charter
Paula Harrison, Chair
Karen Perdue, Vice Chair
Seth Church
Albiona Selimi
Ad Hoc Committee for Recruitment, Retention and Graduation:
Karen Perdue, Chair
Seth Church
Joey Crum
Scott Jepsen
Legislative Committee is a Committee of the Whole:
Volunteers to be called on at the president's
Alaska Commission on
Postsecondary Education:
Paula Harrison
Karen Perdue
Dale Anderson
Steve Colligan